Al Kharj Prayer Times – Today Al Kharj Salah Times

If you are looking for accurate Al Kharj prayer times, you have landed at the right place. This page provides the precise prayer times today in Al Kharj. It will help you to offer prayers at their times without being late. Furthermore, you may also find the ending times of Al Kharj Namaz times below.

Today, 15 Oct 2024, Al-Kharj prayer times are Fajr Time 04:30 AM, Dhuhr (Zuhr) Time 11:36 AM, Asr Time 02:56 PM, Maghrib Time 05:23 PM & Isha Time 06:53 PM. These timings are based on the Islamic date of Rabīʿ al-thānī 11, 1446. Moreover, the prayer timings for the next 30 days are also provided here for your ease.

Today Al-Kharj Prayer Times

Fajr 04:30 AM
Sunrise 05:48 AM
Dhuhr (Zuhr) 11:36 AM
Asr 02:56 PM
Maghrib 05:23 PM
Isha 06:53 PM

Prayer Time Of Whole Month

Day Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Tue, 1 04:24 AM 05:42 AM 11:40 AM 03:04 PM 05:37 PM 07:07 PM
Wed, 2 04:25 AM 05:42 AM 11:39 AM 03:03 PM 05:36 PM 07:06 PM
Thu, 3 04:25 AM 05:43 AM 11:39 AM 03:03 PM 05:35 PM 07:05 PM
Fri, 4 04:26 AM 05:43 AM 11:39 AM 03:02 PM 05:34 PM 07:04 PM
Sat, 5 04:26 AM 05:43 AM 11:38 AM 03:02 PM 05:33 PM 07:03 PM
Sun, 6 04:26 AM 05:44 AM 11:38 AM 03:01 PM 05:32 PM 07:02 PM
Mon, 7 04:27 AM 05:44 AM 11:38 AM 03:00 PM 05:31 PM 07:01 PM
Tue, 8 04:27 AM 05:45 AM 11:37 AM 03:00 PM 05:30 PM 07:00 PM
Wed, 9 04:27 AM 05:45 AM 11:37 AM 02:59 PM 05:29 PM 06:59 PM
Thu, 10 04:28 AM 05:45 AM 11:37 AM 02:59 PM 05:28 PM 06:58 PM
Fri, 11 04:28 AM 05:46 AM 11:37 AM 02:58 PM 05:27 PM 06:57 PM
Sat, 12 04:29 AM 05:46 AM 11:36 AM 02:57 PM 05:26 PM 06:56 PM
Sun, 13 04:29 AM 05:47 AM 11:36 AM 02:57 PM 05:25 PM 06:55 PM
Mon, 14 04:29 AM 05:47 AM 11:36 AM 02:56 PM 05:24 PM 06:54 PM
Tue, 15 04:30 AM 05:48 AM 11:36 AM 02:56 PM 05:23 PM 06:53 PM
Wed, 16 04:30 AM 05:48 AM 11:35 AM 02:55 PM 05:22 PM 06:52 PM
Thu, 17 04:31 AM 05:49 AM 11:35 AM 02:55 PM 05:22 PM 06:52 PM
Fri, 18 04:31 AM 05:49 AM 11:35 AM 02:54 PM 05:21 PM 06:51 PM
Sat, 19 04:31 AM 05:49 AM 11:35 AM 02:53 PM 05:20 PM 06:50 PM
Sun, 20 04:32 AM 05:50 AM 11:35 AM 02:53 PM 05:19 PM 06:49 PM
Mon, 21 04:32 AM 05:50 AM 11:35 AM 02:52 PM 05:18 PM 06:48 PM
Tue, 22 04:33 AM 05:51 AM 11:34 AM 02:52 PM 05:17 PM 06:47 PM
Wed, 23 04:33 AM 05:51 AM 11:34 AM 02:51 PM 05:17 PM 06:47 PM
Thu, 24 04:34 AM 05:52 AM 11:34 AM 02:51 PM 05:16 PM 06:46 PM
Fri, 25 04:34 AM 05:52 AM 11:34 AM 02:50 PM 05:15 PM 06:45 PM
Sat, 26 04:34 AM 05:53 AM 11:34 AM 02:50 PM 05:14 PM 06:44 PM
Sun, 27 04:35 AM 05:54 AM 11:34 AM 02:49 PM 05:14 PM 06:44 PM
Mon, 28 04:35 AM 05:54 AM 11:34 AM 02:49 PM 05:13 PM 06:43 PM
Tue, 29 04:36 AM 05:55 AM 11:34 AM 02:48 PM 05:12 PM 06:42 PM
Wed, 30 04:36 AM 05:55 AM 11:34 AM 02:48 PM 05:12 PM 06:42 PM
Thu, 31 04:37 AM 05:56 AM 11:34 AM 02:47 PM 05:11 PM 06:41 PM

* All Timings are Beginning Times

Saudi Arabia Prayer Times (Top Cities)

Al Kharj City

Al Kharj is a city in central Saudi Arabia, located southeast of Riyadh’s capital. It is known for its fertile agricultural land, which is irrigated by a series of natural springs. The total population of this city is about 4.52 lakh (2022 Celsius) and is increasing at a rate of about 1.5% per year.

Al Kharj is a city that captivates visitors with its rich history and enchanting landscapes. The city has many historical and cultural sites, including the Ayun Al-Seih, natural pools, and the Al Karj Zoo. Moreover, it is one of the largest producers of dates globally.

Sounds Informative? Let’s Move Ahead;

Mosques In Al Kharj

Due to the large number of Muslims present here, many beautiful mosques are built in this city for their ease in offering salah. These are

  • Al Khalidiyah Mosque
  • King Abdulaziz Grand Mosque
  • Al-Hasan Al-Basri Mosque
  • Prince Bandar Mosque
  • Muthanna bin Haritha Al-Andalus Mosque

Due to the large area of Al Kharj, a difference of one or two minutes is observed in its shrubs and the nearby regions. But the Al Kharj salah times provided here are updated regularly according to the calculations of  Umm al-Qura, Makkah, and almost the mosques in Al  Kharj follow these Al Kharj prayer timings. Futhermore, Check Khobar prayer times here.

Bookmark this page on your phones, tablets, and laptops for one-tap access to salah timings in this city. Moreover, daily Fajr (Fajar) timing in Al Kharj, Zuhr (Dhuhur) time, Asr time in Al Kharj, Maghrib Al Kharj prayer times & Isha Al Kharj Namaz timing are provided here. Also, Share these Al Kharj Namaz timings with your loved ones so they don’t miss any prayers.


1. What is Fajr time in Al-Kharj?

Fajr time in Al-Kharj starts at 04:30 AM and ends at sunrise at 05:48 AM. Fajr has total of 4 rakats: 2 sunnah and 2 Farz.

2. What is Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Al-Kharj?

Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Al-Kharj starts at 11:36 AM and ends at 02:56 PM just before Asr. It has 12 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.

3. What is Asr time in Al-Kharj?

Asr time in Al-Kharj starts at 02:56 PM and ends at 05:23 PM. Asr has a total of 8 rakats: 4 Sunnah and 4 Nafl.

4. What is Maghrib time in Al-Kharj?

Maghrib time in Al-Kharj starts at 05:23 PM and ends at 06:53 PM. Maghrib has a total of 7 rakats: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.

5. What is Isha time in Al-Kharj?

Isha time in Al-Kharj starts at 06:53 PM and ends at 11:35 PM. Isha has total of 17 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.


Prayers are mandatory for all Muslims, and strict orders are present in Islam for those who do not perform salah. For this reason, we have tried our best to provide accurate Al Kharj prayer times on this page. Now it’s entirely up to you to offer namaz at their times. 

With this, the blessings of Allah Almighty will also shower on you.

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