Charsadda Prayer Times

If you are looking for accurate Charsadda Prayer times, you have landed at the right place. On this page, we provide the exact Namaz times in Charsadda. It will help you to offer Salah at their times without being late. It will be very beneficial for those who don’t have access to a mosque or an azan tower.

Today, 12 Dec 2024, Charsadda prayer times are Fajr Time 05:40 AM, Dhuhr (Zuhr) Time 12:07 PM, Asr Time 02:46 PM, Maghrib Time 05:04 PM & Isha Time 06:34 PM. These timings are based on the Islamic date of Jumādá al-ākhirah 10, 1446. Moreover, the prayer timings for the next 30 days are also provided here for your ease.

Today Charsadda Prayer Times

Fajr 05:40 AM
Sunrise 07:09 AM
Dhuhr (Zuhr) 12:07 PM
Asr 02:46 PM
Maghrib 05:04 PM
Isha 06:34 PM

Prayer Time Of Whole Month

Day Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Sun, 1 05:32 AM 07:01 AM 12:02 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:32 PM
Mon, 2 05:33 AM 07:02 AM 12:03 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:32 PM
Tue, 3 05:34 AM 07:02 AM 12:03 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:32 PM
Wed, 4 05:34 AM 07:03 AM 12:03 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:32 PM
Thu, 5 05:35 AM 07:04 AM 12:04 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:32 PM
Fri, 6 05:36 AM 07:05 AM 12:04 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:32 PM
Sat, 7 05:37 AM 07:06 AM 12:05 PM 02:45 PM 05:03 PM 06:33 PM
Sun, 8 05:37 AM 07:07 AM 12:05 PM 02:46 PM 05:03 PM 06:33 PM
Mon, 9 05:38 AM 07:07 AM 12:06 PM 02:46 PM 05:04 PM 06:33 PM
Tue, 10 05:39 AM 07:08 AM 12:06 PM 02:46 PM 05:04 PM 06:33 PM
Wed, 11 05:39 AM 07:09 AM 12:06 PM 02:46 PM 05:04 PM 06:33 PM
Thu, 12 05:40 AM 07:09 AM 12:07 PM 02:46 PM 05:04 PM 06:34 PM
Fri, 13 05:41 AM 07:10 AM 12:07 PM 02:47 PM 05:04 PM 06:34 PM
Sat, 14 05:41 AM 07:11 AM 12:08 PM 02:47 PM 05:05 PM 06:34 PM
Sun, 15 05:42 AM 07:12 AM 12:08 PM 02:47 PM 05:05 PM 06:35 PM
Mon, 16 05:42 AM 07:12 AM 12:09 PM 02:48 PM 05:05 PM 06:35 PM
Tue, 17 05:43 AM 07:13 AM 12:09 PM 02:48 PM 05:06 PM 06:36 PM
Wed, 18 05:44 AM 07:13 AM 12:10 PM 02:48 PM 05:06 PM 06:36 PM
Thu, 19 05:44 AM 07:14 AM 12:10 PM 02:49 PM 05:07 PM 06:36 PM
Fri, 20 05:45 AM 07:14 AM 12:11 PM 02:49 PM 05:07 PM 06:37 PM
Sat, 21 05:45 AM 07:15 AM 12:11 PM 02:50 PM 05:08 PM 06:37 PM
Sun, 22 05:46 AM 07:15 AM 12:12 PM 02:50 PM 05:08 PM 06:38 PM
Mon, 23 05:46 AM 07:16 AM 12:12 PM 02:51 PM 05:09 PM 06:38 PM
Tue, 24 05:47 AM 07:16 AM 12:13 PM 02:51 PM 05:09 PM 06:39 PM
Wed, 25 05:47 AM 07:17 AM 12:13 PM 02:52 PM 05:10 PM 06:40 PM
Thu, 26 05:47 AM 07:17 AM 12:14 PM 02:52 PM 05:10 PM 06:40 PM
Fri, 27 05:48 AM 07:18 AM 12:14 PM 02:53 PM 05:11 PM 06:41 PM
Sat, 28 05:48 AM 07:18 AM 12:15 PM 02:53 PM 05:12 PM 06:41 PM
Sun, 29 05:49 AM 07:18 AM 12:15 PM 02:54 PM 05:12 PM 06:42 PM
Mon, 30 05:49 AM 07:18 AM 12:16 PM 02:55 PM 05:13 PM 06:43 PM
Tue, 31 05:49 AM 07:19 AM 12:16 PM 02:55 PM 05:14 PM 06:43 PM

* All Timings are Beginning Times

Pakistan Prayer Times (Top Cities)


Charsadda is a city located in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It is the 85th largest city in Pakistan, with a population of around 1.61 million (2017 Celsius). The number of people in this district is increasing at about 2.4% per year. Due to its rich history and cultural heritage, it is a popular tourist destination.

Charsadda is known for its vibrant culture and traditional festivals, including the Urs of Rahman Baba, celebrated to honor the Sufi poet Rahman Baba. The city has many archaeological sites and historic landmarks, including the Takht-i-Bahi Buddhist monastery and the Bala Hisar Fort.

Sounds Informative, Keep Reading;

Mosques In Charsadda

The maximum number of people in Charsadda are Muslims, so several mosques are available for their convenience. Some of them are

  • Shah Masjid Charsadda
  • Mosque DHQ Charsadda
  • Masjid Aqsa

Due to the large area of the Charsadda district (996kmsq.), a difference of one or two minutes is observed in nearby areas. But the prayer times provided here are made in such a way as to assist all the people in this city. Moreover, daily Fajr (Fajar) timing in Charsadda, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Charsadda, Maghrib Charsadda Namaz timing & Isha Charsadda Prayer times are provided.

Importance Of Prayers (Namaz)

Prayers (Salah) are obligatory for Muslims, so it remains the priority of all Muslims to offer at their times.

In Quran, Allah Almighty says,

اِنَّمَا يَعۡمُرُ مَسٰجِدَ اللّٰهِ مَنۡ اٰمَنَ بِاللّٰهِ وَالۡيَوۡمِ الۡاٰخِرِ وَاَ قَامَ الصَّلٰوةَ وَاٰتَى الزَّكٰوةَ وَلَمۡ يَخۡشَ اِلَّا اللّٰهَ​ فَعَسٰٓى اُولٰۤـئِكَ اَنۡ يَّكُوۡنُوۡا مِنَ الۡمُهۡتَدِيۡنَ

It only becomes those who believe in Allah and the Last Day and establish Prayer and pay Zakah and fear none but Allah to visit and tend the mosques of Allah. These are likely to be guided aright.” (9:18)

How Long Does Each Prayer Take?

Fajr: Fajr has 4 rakats, so it takes only 5 to 6 minutes.

Zuhr: Zuhr has 12 rakats. This namaz takes only 15 minutes.

Asr: Asr has 8 rakats, so it takes only 10 minutes.

Maghrib: Maghrib has 7 rakats which take only 10 minutes.

Isha: Isha is the most extended prayer with 17 rakats, but it won’t take more than 20 minutes.

All prayers can be prayed in less than an hour. Hence, all Muslims should set aside an hour for prayers every day. 

The Charsadda prayer times provided on this page are updated regularly according to the calculation of the University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi, Fiqa Hanafi (Sunni). So bookmark this page on your phones, tablets, and laptops for easy access. In addition, the ending of Fajr time Charsadda, Zuhr time Charsadda, Asr time Charsadda, Maghrib time Charsadda, and Isha time Charsadda are also provided below for your ease. 


1. What is Fajr time in Charsadda?

Fajr time in Charsadda starts at 05:40 AM and ends at sunrise at 07:09 AM. Fajr has total of 4 rakats: 2 sunnah and 2 Farz.

2. What is Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Charsadda?

Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Charsadda starts at 12:07 PM and ends at 02:46 PM just before Asr. It has 12 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.

3. What is Asr time in Charsadda?

Asr time in Charsadda starts at 02:46 PM and ends at 05:04 PM. Asr has a total of 8 rakats: 4 Sunnah and 4 Nafl.

4. What is Maghrib time in Charsadda?

Maghrib time in Charsadda starts at 05:04 PM and ends at 06:34 PM. Maghrib has a total of 7 rakats: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.

5. What is Isha time in Charsadda?

Isha time in Charsadda starts at 06:34 PM and ends at 12:07 AM. Isha has total of 17 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.


We have tried our best to provide you the accurate Charsadda prayer times on this page. As these prayer timings are updated regularly, you can use them both now and in the future. Furthermore,  the blessings of Allah Almighty will shower on you when you offer Namaz.

Offer Prayers five times daily, and also remember us in your duas!

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