Dera Ghazi Khan Prayer Times
If you are looking for accurate Dera Ghazi Khan prayer times, you have landed at the right place. Because we are providing you with the perfect DG Khan namaz times on this page. So, use this page to offer Namaz at their times. It will benefit those who do not have easy access to mosques or clock towers.
Today, 13 Feb 2025, DGKhan prayer times are Fajr Time 05:39 AM, Dhuhr (Zuhr) Time 12:32 PM, Asr Time 03:39 PM, Maghrib Time 06:05 PM & Isha Time 07:25 PM. These timings are based on the Islamic date of Shaʿbān 14, 1446. Moreover, the prayer timings for the next 30 days are also provided here for your ease.
Today DGKhan Prayer Times
Fajr | 05:39 AM |
Sunrise | 07:00 AM |
Dhuhr (Zuhr) | 12:32 PM |
Asr | 03:39 PM |
Maghrib | 06:05 PM |
Isha | 07:25 PM |
Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Sat, 1 | 05:46 AM | 07:09 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:32 PM | 05:55 PM | 07:17 PM |
Sun, 2 | 05:46 AM | 07:08 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:32 PM | 05:55 PM | 07:17 PM |
Mon, 3 | 05:45 AM | 07:07 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:33 PM | 05:56 PM | 07:18 PM |
Tue, 4 | 05:45 AM | 07:07 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:34 PM | 05:57 PM | 07:19 PM |
Wed, 5 | 05:44 AM | 07:06 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:34 PM | 05:58 PM | 07:20 PM |
Thu, 6 | 05:44 AM | 07:05 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:35 PM | 05:59 PM | 07:20 PM |
Fri, 7 | 05:43 AM | 07:05 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:36 PM | 06:00 PM | 07:21 PM |
Sat, 8 | 05:43 AM | 07:04 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:36 PM | 06:00 PM | 07:22 PM |
Sun, 9 | 05:42 AM | 07:03 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:37 PM | 06:01 PM | 07:23 PM |
Mon, 10 | 05:41 AM | 07:02 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:38 PM | 06:02 PM | 07:23 PM |
Tue, 11 | 05:40 AM | 07:02 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:38 PM | 06:03 PM | 07:24 PM |
Wed, 12 | 05:40 AM | 07:01 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:39 PM | 06:04 PM | 07:25 PM |
Thu, 13 | 05:39 AM | 07:00 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:39 PM | 06:05 PM | 07:25 PM |
Fri, 14 | 05:38 AM | 06:59 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:40 PM | 06:05 PM | 07:26 PM |
Sat, 15 | 05:37 AM | 06:58 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:40 PM | 06:06 PM | 07:27 PM |
Sun, 16 | 05:37 AM | 06:57 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:41 PM | 06:07 PM | 07:28 PM |
Mon, 17 | 05:36 AM | 06:56 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:42 PM | 06:08 PM | 07:28 PM |
Tue, 18 | 05:35 AM | 06:55 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:42 PM | 06:09 PM | 07:29 PM |
Wed, 19 | 05:34 AM | 06:54 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:43 PM | 06:09 PM | 07:30 PM |
Thu, 20 | 05:33 AM | 06:53 AM | 12:32 PM | 03:43 PM | 06:10 PM | 07:30 PM |
Fri, 21 | 05:32 AM | 06:52 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:43 PM | 06:11 PM | 07:31 PM |
Sat, 22 | 05:31 AM | 06:51 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:44 PM | 06:12 PM | 07:32 PM |
Sun, 23 | 05:30 AM | 06:50 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:44 PM | 06:12 PM | 07:32 PM |
Mon, 24 | 05:29 AM | 06:49 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:45 PM | 06:13 PM | 07:33 PM |
Tue, 25 | 05:28 AM | 06:48 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:45 PM | 06:14 PM | 07:34 PM |
Wed, 26 | 05:27 AM | 06:47 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:46 PM | 06:15 PM | 07:34 PM |
Thu, 27 | 05:26 AM | 06:46 AM | 12:31 PM | 03:46 PM | 06:15 PM | 07:35 PM |
Fri, 28 | 05:25 AM | 06:45 AM | 12:30 PM | 03:46 PM | 06:16 PM | 07:36 PM |
* All Timings are Beginning Times
Pakistan Prayer Times (Top Cities)
Dera Ghazi Khan (DG Khan)
DG Khan – City of Saints – is a city in the southwestern part of Punjab. It is the 19th largest city in Pakistan, with a population of about 4.8 Lakhs. The population of this city is increasing at a rate of 3.4% per year. Due to the presence of many Sufi shrines, i.e., Hazrat Pir Farid Shakarganj, it got its name, the City of Saints.
Dera Ghazi Khan is known for its rich culture and ancient monuments. In addition to this, it is also famous for its vibrant bazaars and markets. Due to fertile lands, this city is reasonable for producing wheat, rice, and vegetables.
Sounds Informative, Keep Reading;
Mosques In Dera Ghazi Khan
About 99.9% population of this city comprises Muslims. Therefore, many mosques are present in this area for their ease. Some of them are,
- Masjid Akhwand
- Faisal Masjid
- Jamma Mosque
- Jamia Masjid Abu Bakr Siddique
- Masjid Al Madani
Due to the large area (70 kmsq.), a difference of one or two minutes in salaat times are observed in the nearby areas. But the times provided here are made in such a way as to assist all the people in this city.
Importance Of Namaz (Prayers)
All Muslims must offer Namaz at their times. Prayers are so important in Islam that Allah Almighty mentions them 700 times in the Quran.
In Quran, Allah Almighty says,
اِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللّٰهُ وَرَسُوۡلُهٗ وَالَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوا الَّذِيۡنَ يُقِيۡمُوۡنَ الصَّلٰوةَ وَيُؤۡتُوۡنَ الزَّكٰوةَ وَهُمۡ رَاكِعُوۡنَ
“Only Allah, His Messenger, and those who believe and who establish Prayer, pay Zakah, and bow (before Allah) are your allies.” (5:55)
وَ اِذَا نَادَيۡتُمۡ اِلَى الصَّلٰوةِ اتَّخَذُوۡهَا هُزُوًا وَّلَعِبًا ؕ ذٰ لِكَ بِاَنَّهُمۡ قَوۡمٌ لَّا يَعۡقِلُوۡنَ
“And when you call for Prayer, they take it for a mockery and sport. That is because they are a people who do not understand.” (5:58)
The salaat times provided on this page are updated regularly to confirm their precision.
Moreover, the ending of Fajr time DG Khan, Zuhr time DG Khan, Asr time DG Khan, Maghrib time DG Khan and Isha time DG Khan are also provided below. So bookmark this page on your laptops, tablets, and mobiles for ease.
1. What is Fajr time in DGKhan?
Fajr time in DGKhan starts at 05:39 AM and ends at sunrise at 07:00 AM. Fajr has total of 4 rakats: 2 sunnah and 2 Farz.
2. What is Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in DGKhan?
Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in DGKhan starts at 12:32 PM and ends at 03:39 PM just before Asr. It has 12 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.
3. What is Asr time in DGKhan?
Asr time in DGKhan starts at 03:39 PM and ends at 06:05 PM. Asr has a total of 8 rakats: 4 Sunnah and 4 Nafl.
4. What is Maghrib time in DGKhan?
Maghrib time in DGKhan starts at 06:05 PM and ends at 07:25 PM. Maghrib has a total of 7 rakats: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.
5. What is Isha time in DGKhan?
Isha time in DGKhan starts at 07:25 PM and ends at 12:32 AM. Isha has total of 17 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.
We have tried our best to give you the perfect Dera Ghazi Khan Prayer Times on this page. So use it to offer Namaz at their times. Furthermore, the blessings of Allah will shower on you when you offer Prayers.
Offer prayers five times a day, and remember us in your duas!