Mingora Prayer Times
If you are looking for Mingora Prayer Times, then you have landed at the right place. Because on this page, we provide the accurate Namaz timing in Mingora. It will help you to offer Namaz at their times without being late. It is very beneficial for those who don’t have access to a mosque or an azan tower.
Today, 13 Feb 2025, Mingora prayer times are Fajr Time 05:33 AM, Dhuhr (Zuhr) Time 12:25 PM, Asr Time 03:26 PM, Maghrib Time 05:52 PM & Isha Time 07:16 PM. These timings are based on the Islamic date of Shaʿbān 14, 1446. Moreover, the prayer timings for the next 30 days are also provided here for your ease.
Today Mingora Prayer Times
Fajr | 05:33 AM |
Sunrise | 06:58 AM |
Dhuhr (Zuhr) | 12:25 PM |
Asr | 03:26 PM |
Maghrib | 05:52 PM |
Isha | 07:16 PM |
Day | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
Sat, 1 | 05:43 AM | 07:09 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:17 PM | 05:40 PM | 07:06 PM |
Sun, 2 | 05:42 AM | 07:08 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:18 PM | 05:41 PM | 07:07 PM |
Mon, 3 | 05:41 AM | 07:07 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:18 PM | 05:42 PM | 07:08 PM |
Tue, 4 | 05:41 AM | 07:07 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:19 PM | 05:43 PM | 07:09 PM |
Wed, 5 | 05:40 AM | 07:06 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:20 PM | 05:44 PM | 07:10 PM |
Thu, 6 | 05:39 AM | 07:05 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:21 PM | 05:45 PM | 07:10 PM |
Fri, 7 | 05:38 AM | 07:04 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:22 PM | 05:46 PM | 07:11 PM |
Sat, 8 | 05:38 AM | 07:03 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:22 PM | 05:47 PM | 07:12 PM |
Sun, 9 | 05:37 AM | 07:02 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:23 PM | 05:48 PM | 07:13 PM |
Mon, 10 | 05:36 AM | 07:01 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:24 PM | 05:49 PM | 07:14 PM |
Tue, 11 | 05:35 AM | 07:00 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:25 PM | 05:50 PM | 07:15 PM |
Wed, 12 | 05:34 AM | 06:59 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:25 PM | 05:51 PM | 07:16 PM |
Thu, 13 | 05:33 AM | 06:58 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:26 PM | 05:52 PM | 07:16 PM |
Fri, 14 | 05:33 AM | 06:57 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:27 PM | 05:53 PM | 07:17 PM |
Sat, 15 | 05:32 AM | 06:56 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:27 PM | 05:53 PM | 07:18 PM |
Sun, 16 | 05:31 AM | 06:55 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:28 PM | 05:54 PM | 07:19 PM |
Mon, 17 | 05:30 AM | 06:54 AM | 12:25 PM | 03:29 PM | 05:55 PM | 07:20 PM |
Tue, 18 | 05:29 AM | 06:53 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:29 PM | 05:56 PM | 07:21 PM |
Wed, 19 | 05:28 AM | 06:52 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:30 PM | 05:57 PM | 07:22 PM |
Thu, 20 | 05:27 AM | 06:51 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:31 PM | 05:58 PM | 07:22 PM |
Fri, 21 | 05:25 AM | 06:50 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:31 PM | 05:59 PM | 07:23 PM |
Sat, 22 | 05:24 AM | 06:48 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:32 PM | 06:00 PM | 07:24 PM |
Sun, 23 | 05:23 AM | 06:47 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:33 PM | 06:01 PM | 07:25 PM |
Mon, 24 | 05:22 AM | 06:46 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:33 PM | 06:02 PM | 07:26 PM |
Tue, 25 | 05:21 AM | 06:45 AM | 12:24 PM | 03:34 PM | 06:03 PM | 07:27 PM |
Wed, 26 | 05:20 AM | 06:44 AM | 12:23 PM | 03:34 PM | 06:04 PM | 07:28 PM |
Thu, 27 | 05:19 AM | 06:42 AM | 12:23 PM | 03:35 PM | 06:05 PM | 07:28 PM |
Fri, 28 | 05:17 AM | 06:41 AM | 12:23 PM | 03:35 PM | 06:05 PM | 07:29 PM |
* All Timings are Beginning Times
Pakistan Prayer Times (Top Cities)
Mingora is a city and a tehsil of the Swat District in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province. It is 3rd largest city of KPK and the 26th largest in Pakistan. The population of this city is about 3.3 lakhs, increasing at a rate of about 2% per year.
Mingora is a city, present high in the mountains. The city of Mingora has a rich history and culture, with several ancient archaeological sites and monuments. Mingora is known for its stunning natural beauty, including the lush green hills, flowing rivers, and majestic waterfalls worldwide. Moreover, it is also famous for its chapli kebab and lamb karahi all over the world.
Sounds Informative, Keep Reading;
Mosques In Mingora
The maximum population of Mingora comprises Muslims. Therefore, many mosques are present here. Some of them are
- Masjid Qubaa Gumbad Maira Mingora
- Jamis Masjid Hasnain Najib Abad
- Chena Masjid
- Masjid Ilahi
- Masjid Bilal
Due to the large area of Mingora, a difference in one or two minutes is observed in nearby areas. But the prayer times provided on this page are made in such a way as to assist all the people in this city. In addition, the ending times of today’s five Islamic Namaz times are also listed below for your convenience.
Importance Of Prayers (Salah)
All Muslims must offer Namaz (prayers) at their times, nevertheless of how busy they are. Namaz is considered the second pillar of Islam, and there are strict orders about five times Salaat in Islam.
قُلۡ اِنَّ صَلَاتِىۡ وَنُسُكِىۡ وَ مَحۡيَاىَ وَمَمَاتِىۡ لِلّٰهِ رَبِّ الۡعٰلَمِيۡنَۙ
“Say: ‘Surely my Prayer, all my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are for Allah alone, the Lord of the whole universe.” (6:162)
وَالَّذِيۡنَ يُمَسِّكُوۡنَ بِالۡـكِتٰبِ وَاَقَامُوا الصَّلٰوةَ ؕ اِنَّا لَا نُضِيۡعُ اَجۡرَ الۡمُصۡلِحِيۡنَ
“Those who hold fast to the Book and establish Prayer – We shall not allow the reward of such righteous men to go to waste.” (7:170)
Daily Fajar (Fajr) timing in Mingora, Dhuhur time, Asr time in Mingora, Maghrib Mingora prayer times & Isha Mingora Namaz timing are available. The Prayer timings Mingora present here are updated regularly to confirm their precision. So bookmark this page on your phones, tablets and laptops for easy access in future.
1. What is Fajr time in Mingora?
Fajr time in Mingora starts at 05:33 AM and ends at sunrise at 06:58 AM. Fajr has total of 4 rakats: 2 sunnah and 2 Farz.
2. What is Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Mingora?
Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Mingora starts at 12:25 PM and ends at 03:26 PM just before Asr. It has 12 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.
3. What is Asr time in Mingora?
Asr time in Mingora starts at 03:26 PM and ends at 05:52 PM. Asr has a total of 8 rakats: 4 Sunnah and 4 Nafl.
4. What is Maghrib time in Mingora?
Maghrib time in Mingora starts at 05:52 PM and ends at 07:16 PM. Maghrib has a total of 7 rakats: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.
5. What is Isha time in Mingora?
Isha time in Mingora starts at 07:16 PM and ends at 12:25 AM. Isha has total of 17 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.
We have tried our best to provide you with the exact Mingora Prayer Times on this page. Now it’s up to you to offer Namaz at their fixed times. Moreover, the blessings of Allah Almighty will shower on you.
Offer prayers five times a day, and remember us in your duas!