Sahiwal Prayer Times

If you are looking for accurate Sahiwal prayer times on this page, then you have landed at this place. Because here we are providing you with the perfect Namaz times in Sahiwal. This will help you to offer Salaat at their times. It will be your up-to-date choice if you live far from a mosque or an azan tower.

Today, 15 Oct 2024, Sahiwal prayer times are Fajr Time 04:50 AM, Dhuhr (Zuhr) Time 11:53 AM, Asr Time 03:10 PM, Maghrib Time 05:36 PM & Isha Time 06:56 PM. These timings are based on the Islamic date of Rabīʿ al-thānī 11, 1446. Moreover, the prayer timings for the next 30 days are also provided here for your ease.

Today Sahiwal Prayer Times

Fajr 04:50 AM
Sunrise 06:10 AM
Dhuhr (Zuhr) 11:53 AM
Asr 03:10 PM
Maghrib 05:36 PM
Isha 06:56 PM

Prayer Time Of Whole Month

Day Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Tue, 1 04:41 AM 06:01 AM 11:57 AM 03:21 PM 05:53 PM 07:13 PM
Wed, 2 04:42 AM 06:02 AM 11:57 AM 03:20 PM 05:51 PM 07:11 PM
Thu, 3 04:42 AM 06:02 AM 11:57 AM 03:19 PM 05:50 PM 07:10 PM
Fri, 4 04:43 AM 06:03 AM 11:56 AM 03:19 PM 05:49 PM 07:09 PM
Sat, 5 04:44 AM 06:04 AM 11:56 AM 03:18 PM 05:48 PM 07:08 PM
Sun, 6 04:44 AM 06:04 AM 11:56 AM 03:17 PM 05:47 PM 07:06 PM
Mon, 7 04:45 AM 06:05 AM 11:55 AM 03:16 PM 05:45 PM 07:05 PM
Tue, 8 04:46 AM 06:06 AM 11:55 AM 03:15 PM 05:44 PM 07:04 PM
Wed, 9 04:46 AM 06:06 AM 11:55 AM 03:15 PM 05:43 PM 07:03 PM
Thu, 10 04:47 AM 06:07 AM 11:55 AM 03:14 PM 05:42 PM 07:02 PM
Fri, 11 04:47 AM 06:07 AM 11:54 AM 03:13 PM 05:41 PM 07:01 PM
Sat, 12 04:48 AM 06:08 AM 11:54 AM 03:12 PM 05:39 PM 07:00 PM
Sun, 13 04:49 AM 06:09 AM 11:54 AM 03:11 PM 05:38 PM 06:58 PM
Mon, 14 04:49 AM 06:09 AM 11:54 AM 03:11 PM 05:37 PM 06:57 PM
Tue, 15 04:50 AM 06:10 AM 11:53 AM 03:10 PM 05:36 PM 06:56 PM
Wed, 16 04:51 AM 06:11 AM 11:53 AM 03:09 PM 05:35 PM 06:55 PM
Thu, 17 04:51 AM 06:11 AM 11:53 AM 03:08 PM 05:34 PM 06:54 PM
Fri, 18 04:52 AM 06:12 AM 11:53 AM 03:07 PM 05:33 PM 06:53 PM
Sat, 19 04:52 AM 06:13 AM 11:53 AM 03:07 PM 05:32 PM 06:52 PM
Sun, 20 04:53 AM 06:14 AM 11:52 AM 03:06 PM 05:31 PM 06:51 PM
Mon, 21 04:54 AM 06:14 AM 11:52 AM 03:05 PM 05:30 PM 06:50 PM
Tue, 22 04:54 AM 06:15 AM 11:52 AM 03:04 PM 05:29 PM 06:49 PM
Wed, 23 04:55 AM 06:16 AM 11:52 AM 03:04 PM 05:28 PM 06:48 PM
Thu, 24 04:56 AM 06:16 AM 11:52 AM 03:03 PM 05:27 PM 06:48 PM
Fri, 25 04:56 AM 06:17 AM 11:52 AM 03:02 PM 05:26 PM 06:47 PM
Sat, 26 04:57 AM 06:18 AM 11:52 AM 03:01 PM 05:25 PM 06:46 PM
Sun, 27 04:58 AM 06:19 AM 11:51 AM 03:01 PM 05:24 PM 06:45 PM
Mon, 28 04:58 AM 06:19 AM 11:51 AM 03:00 PM 05:23 PM 06:44 PM
Tue, 29 04:59 AM 06:20 AM 11:51 AM 02:59 PM 05:22 PM 06:43 PM
Wed, 30 05:00 AM 06:21 AM 11:51 AM 02:59 PM 05:21 PM 06:43 PM
Thu, 31 05:00 AM 06:22 AM 11:51 AM 02:58 PM 05:20 PM 06:42 PM

* All Timings are Beginning Times

Pakistan Prayer Times (Top Cities)


Sahiwal –  City of Colleges – is a city in Punjab province, on the northeastern side of Pakistan. It is the 21st largest city in Pakistan, with a population of around 4.5 lakhs. The number of people here is increasing at a rate of 2.9% per year. Formerly, this city was known as Montgomery, which changed into Sahiwal in 1978. 

Sahiwal is one of the fertile cities of Pakistan and is known for its cotton, tobacco, and potato. Moreover, the most famous historical place, Harappa, is also in Sahiwal District. In addition, Sahiwal cows are the talk of the town due to their milk production.

Sounds Informative, Keep Reading;

Mosques In Sahiwal

About 97.5% of people in this city are Muslims. Due to this, several mosques are present here for their convenience. Some of them are

  • Jamia Masjid Rafi Garden
  • Mai Wali Masjid
  • Tayyaba Mosque Sahiwal
  • Jamia Masjid Rabbani
  • Masjid-e-Khadija

Due to the area of 60kmsq., a difference of one or two minutes is observed in the nearby areas. But the prayer times provided here are made in such a way as to assist all the people in this city. 

Importance Of Prayers (Namaz)

It is obligatory for Muslims for all Muslims to offer prayers at their times. No matter how much busy you are, you must offer Namaz.

Importance Of Namaz By Hadiths

قَالَ النَّبِيُّ (ص): مَا مِنْ صَلاَةٍ يَحْضُرُ وَقْـتُهَا إِلاَّ نَادَى مَلَكٌ بَيْنَ يَدَيِ النَّاسِ أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ قُومُوا إِلـى نِيـرَانِكُمُ الَّتِي أَوْقَدْتُمُوهَا عَلى ظُهُورِكُمْ فَاطْفِئُوهَا بِصَلاَتِكُمْ

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said: 

Whenever the time of each prayer arrives, an Angel announces to the people: (O’ People!) Stand up and extinguish, with prayers, the fire which you have set alight for yourselves.

Biharul Anwar, Volume 82, Page 209

Sahiwal Namaz times provided here are updated regularly to confirm their precision. So you can use this page both now and in future as well. Bookmark this page on your phone, tablet and laptop for easy access.

Additionally, the ending of Fajr time Sahiwal, Zuhr time Sahiwal, Asr time Sahiwal, Maghrib time Sahiwal, and Isha time Sahiwal are also provided below for your ease.


1. What is Fajr time in Sahiwal?

Fajr time in Sahiwal starts at 04:50 AM and ends at sunrise at 06:10 AM. Fajr has total of 4 rakats: 2 sunnah and 2 Farz.

2. What is Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Sahiwal?

Dhuhr (Zuhr) time in Sahiwal starts at 11:53 AM and ends at 03:10 PM just before Asr. It has 12 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.

3. What is Asr time in Sahiwal?

Asr time in Sahiwal starts at 03:10 PM and ends at 05:36 PM. Asr has a total of 8 rakats: 4 Sunnah and 4 Nafl.

4. What is Maghrib time in Sahiwal?

Maghrib time in Sahiwal starts at 05:36 PM and ends at 06:56 PM. Maghrib has a total of 7 rakats: 3 Farz, 2 Sunnah, and 2 Nafl.

5. What is Isha time in Sahiwal?

Isha time in Sahiwal starts at 06:56 PM and ends at 11:53 PM. Isha has total of 17 rakats: 4 Sunnah, 4 Fard, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafl, 3 Witr, and 2 Nafl.


We have tried our best to give you the perfect Sahiwal prayer times. Now it’s up to you to offer salaat at their times.  In addition, Allah Almighty’s blessings will shower on you when you perform Namaz.

Offer prayers five times a day, and remember us in your duas!

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